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Plzzz sme1 tell me..i hve studying c program from d 1st yr 2nd sem..i hve learnt all d operators and its dis yr, i am learning java..i hve undrstood all d terms and al d logic in programming..but, what can make me an expert in c programming and java programmng?..i mean wat r d tips 2 follow and wat should i do so dat if any progrmming qustions arise or come i can solve dem instantly and easly through all d diffrnt opertors in java and c?..i wnt 2 becme an expert programer in java and c..wat should i do for dat?..plzz hlp me..if u r a teacher, plzzz tell me!!..

Sir,Does internal exam consist whole semister syllabus??

sir please publish the lab sheet of electronics and electrical?

Sir I want to know when suggestion papers for Engineering Materials and Strength of Material will publish??

Sir what is cgpa?