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how many subjects held in 8th sem ?

what is handshaking lemma?

I got lateral Entry in BTech ECE Branch. after 3rd semester I discontinue (due to Supply & Financial problem) It. now 04 years gone, But Now I want to Continue my course with same registration number. Plz tell me its Possible or Not? how i done It.....

i need immediate help plz help me...i m a student of 2nd year frst sem engineering... my brnch is ece..n i m facing a grt problm.. i dnt stdy dat much..n i m opting to leavng my course coz i dnt get wat is taught in engineering at ol... i tried a lot bt stil culdnt undrstnd.. in frst sem i got one supply..secnd sem three supply n this thrd sem was a grt blow for my mental cndtn i got six supply.. i m teribly cnfsd what shud i do.. my aim is to do mba frm a gud institute.. n i m cnfsd shud i still try to cmplte my engineering o chnge my strm n opt fr bcom o bba... plz plz plz help me seniors and if i cmplte my engineering in fve years instd f four yrs.. will it b a prob fr me in mba... abt myslf til cls 9 i ws a clss conpetr i use to get 2nd or 3rd postion in my clss den frm ten to twelve i became mischievous n wen down.. bt one f my gud qualties s ds wich evr thng i take it as i ll do it i do it... i stuied jus for d lst ten dys in isc n icse n securd 78% though my family had lost hope... i gve d wbjee exams jus as a nrml game coz i didnt knew abt it n got 15000 nw i m totlly tensd ff wot shud i do cntnue o gv a fresh strt plz help me plz

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