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The least upper bound of the sequence 𝑛/𝑛+1 is

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A car servicing station has 3 stalls where servicing can be offered simultaneously. The cars wait in such a way that when a stall becomes vacant, the car at the head of the line pulls up to it. The station can accommodate at most four cars waiting (seven in station) at one time. The arrival patterns are Poisson with a mean of one car per minute during the peak hours. The service time is exponential with mean 6 minutes. Find the average number of cars in the service station during peak hours, the average waiting time and the average number of cars per hour that cannot enter the station because of full capacity

BCA student also needs mar point or it is just for an engineering student.

on 2021-02-18 19:03:43   by asif   on BCA  0 answers

Why can't I download study material for 3rd year question paper?