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48 hrs has passed by and I am yet to receive the registration id.. I request u to do the needful as fast as possible

Can anyone else apply for my migration process. As I am not physically present in Kolkata do I need to present there in person to apply or can send any of my friend

My 6th semester java went very bad.i correctly answered about 25_30 marks.can my marks be much more deducted?/can i got a supply?

My 6th semester java went very bad.i correctly answered about 25_30 marks.can my marks be much more deducted?/can i got a supply?

In 6th semester java paper;I correctly answered the last short notes but left some point in each.for the short note"interference in java"i didn't write the programme much marks can i get for each? Next for comparison of checked and unchecked exceptions of 4 mark question I wrote only definitions for 2.can I get any marks? J