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My 3rd sem result 6.87 (all subjects are clear) and 4th sem result 6.85 (all subjects are clear) but in YGPA show 6.86 XP XP means Backlog but my all subjects are clear ..So why I am XP category .?

Can practical exam papers be reviewed in Wbut semester exams?

How to convert ygpa to percentage?

Why is makaut not showing my result after publishing 4th sem result?

I m getting a supply in my 4th sem..BT other 4 papers I got 6. 6. 7. 8. Just only one paper MIS I got 2. That's mean supply... I cannot understand what should I have to do..?? Should I give in the review or I just wt wt fr the supply exam?? There is any chance to get supply clear in the review.. If I give to review any chance to get my supply clear??