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when come to university routine? pls tell me

Why there are no question papers for ME 3rd sem for the ME subjects (me301,me302,me303) same is the case for 4th sem also plz someone upload the question papers is it possible that i ca upload this year question papers myself?

Can anybody please provide me last 10 years or solved question papers from 2002-2006 of all the subjects of 3rd sem, mechanical engineering. I would be really grateful to him..need it very badly!!!

Two light inextensible strings pass over a small smooth pulley. On one side they are attached to masses M and N lbs. respectively, and on the other to one of P lbs. Find the acceleration of the system and the tension of the strings .

i Am A premium Member of mywbut and i am not getting my 7th semester question paper of mechanical engineering....plz do the needful