Ask your problems, query related to WBUT (MAKAUT) syllabus, also Share your Knowledge by Answering Questions.
i have register 4 premium membership but in my profile my permanent id no is showing 0..can any one tell me now what i have to do.Wheather login or anything else.
Can You give me previous year "multimedia Technique" question paper for 8th semester Instrumentation(Elective paper).
Can anyone please recommend a book on improper integrals and graph theory?
Hello Im studying Applied Electronics and Instrumentation..but following the old syllabus...where can the ebooks of Optoelectronics,Process control,Electronics Instrumentation and measurement be found? please help
I applied for WBJEEB 2013,bui I need a correction.I had sent Residential Certificate taken from Councilar of our word no. 19,I did not take it from WBJEEB wedsite.So, now how can I do my correction ?