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Can someone help my awarded DGPA and aggregate of all sem are diffent.. My DGPA 7.0 but aggregate of all sem is 6.97

hello, can any one tell me when the review forms for 2nd sem are out? I really need to know it.

NO 1 the laplace transform of a shifted unit step f(t)=u(t-a)is what?NO 2 A series resonant circuit at a resonance is called what?NO 3 the average power delivered to reactive load is what?NO 3 the output y and input x of a system are related by the equation y=mx+c where m and c are constant.the system is what?

Please let me know procedure of geting a duplicate registration certificate. please

i am a student of ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING B.Tech 3rd year 5th semester. will you please add the video tutorial or suggest another option that can i go through thus, it will be very helpful to me please answer i shall be grateful if you take any attention to my this appeal.