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What is the cause occurring the pinch off voltage earlier for incrissing gate source voltage?

I have completed my 8 semester clearing all my subjects,but i have dgpa less than 6.0 and the university has not issued my provisional certificate.the university told me i have to sit for more exams to imorove my dgpa,it would be really kind if u will give information about what exams i can sit for and can i sit for practical exam or theory from which semester and when.thank you

When the Current sem.exam will start

Sir what's the formula to get the percentage marks obtained in 4 years of btech (Makaut)? And sir how can I proof that this formula is correct .like if I go for document verification..than how can I proof that this formula is correct there anything in written??

for clearing a supply which is good pps or ppr,saying otherwise which has the higher percentage to clear the suppli