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Which is the best book for controll system-1 and power system-1
now i am in 2nd year (3rd semester)..i failed in two subjects(mechanics,math)..i have mi-staked to review this paper...can i review now ?pls pls help me....if answer is yes pls tell me how?
frnds, plz help me by telling the correct answer of the following question:what will be the output of the following programme code:main(){int i=1;printf("\n%d%d%d"i,++i,i++);} the options are:331,133,314,111.plz help me.
frnds, what will be the output of the following c programme:-main(){
int i=1;
printf("\n%d%d%d"i,++i,i++);}. plz help me by telling the correct answer. its urgent.
which has better job oppertunities?
electrical or chemical enng.?