Ask your problems, query related to WBUT (MAKAUT) syllabus, also Share your Knowledge by Answering Questions.
can anyone suggest a good book for MICROPROCESSOR & MICROCONTROLLER
EE-504C ?..........
My YGPA is 5.49. In one sem, SGPA is below 5 point. I have total 4 supply in 2nd year. Result is XP. Is it yearlag ?? Or I am promoted ?? What is the minimum YGPA required to get promoted according to WBUT rules ?
if some one got re-suppli,than if he got yearlack or not?
what is the min.avg marks upto 8th sem(wbut) required for participating any gov.job exam in all over india?
Can Anyone Suggest me for a good Numerical Book for 3rd Sem........