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i had a backlog in PhysicsII at 4rth sem.but i could not clear it still in 8th there any rule to re-appear in this subject before 2016. when i ll get the final result,any sign ll carry that i appeared 3 times in a same exam ?
i had a backlog in PhysicsII at 4rth sem.but i could not clear it still in 8th there any rule to re-appear in this subject before 2016. when i ll get the final result,any sign ll carry that i appeared 3 times in a same exam ?
.....can anyone plzz elaborate me about the review system of wbut....i got suppli in one paper in 6th sem ...but i am sure ...that something went wrong during evaluation of my answer i have heard that ..there is one kind of review where ...they(wbut staff) call see your answer script..and evaluate it in front of you...i just want descriptive information about that particular review rule...thanks
sir,i have completed this year.i lost my registration card somehow.what will i do?
even sem result Kobe? today 5th August. no sign this will be in the 2nd week or thereafter..mono update o day na wbut