Ask your problems, query related to WBUT (MAKAUT) syllabus, also Share your Knowledge by Answering Questions.
i want that all lesson on electrical and electronic comm previous question ......
please ..... sir,
sir,how can i convert my marks in percentage?or if i get 8.4 it means 84%??????
How can I have 2005-2008 questen papers???
sir i am student of 4th last week result for 3rd sem i scored 8.8....
but in maths i got 7 points wen i expected 10.
i answered 70 out of teachers said i was given good internal marks.....what can i do pls help.....
sir i scored 7.5 in my first sem and 8.2 in 2nd sem............and in third sem i scored 9.4..............sir i want to ask that will it have any effect in during campusing coz my results are not consistent....................??????please sir m confused what is the standard marks should i score so that i can get a job?????????????
please reply............