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What happens if I miss my supplementary exam? (I'm sorry I had to choose computer science and engineering, my actual course is B.Sc. in Media Science, but they don't have that on this website unfortunately. Please, still help if you can.) Basically what happened was that I couldn't give an exam in my 5th semester because I was very ill. My college told me to pay the fees for the supplementary and I did. They said they would notify but they didn't. I did not receive any email. Neither did I get a text from our HOD in Media Science. The supplementary exam just went by a day ago. What do I do? I do have a job, even without a graduation certificate, but when will I be able to give that exam? Will it cause a year loss? Or just a few months? I will speak to my company, but still is there anything I can do? Please help.

When & how to register myself for backlog exam of sem?

When we get the suggestion and questions paper for economics???

Why can't we choose BBA from the given options? I was looking for previous years' questions!

Do marks decrease in PPR/PPS in the WBUT semester exams?