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I have little quarrel with my practical teacher. Is there is any chance that she will fail my in my practical exam? Is failing in any of the practical exam cause year lack? What necessary action can I take???? please suggest me any idea...!!

on 2010-11-26 21:05:51   by Sudip   on Computer Science & Engineering  2 answers


on 2010-11-27 10:30:00  

Dear Sudip, please don\'t try to mesh with your faculties at least. Yes, it will be a year lack if you are not able to clear your labs too. But, your teacher is also a human and he or she will never want that you fail due to him. So, if possible try to manage this issue with the concern faculty or tell about this issue to any other faculty who knows you a lot. Don\'t take tension and say \"ALL IS WELL\". :)


on 2010-12-01 10:30:00  

Thank you admin...!! I think I have to maintain the relation between the student and teacher. I think it was my fault..!