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I had applied for transcripts. I went to the WBUT Office last Tuesday and found that the transcripts have arrived. However, I was not ale to collect it as it was not signed.I had to revisit the office today again to get the transcripts but due to a protest by the students I was not able to collect them. I was told that the University is closed until further notice. Some of the application deadlines are on the beginning of next month. If I do not get the transcripts ASAP, I'll be unable to send my application and my whole future plan will be get halted. There were many students and guardians alike, whom I met at the office today who had the same concern. Could you please provide us a date when we will be able to collect the transcripts. Thanks.

on 2014-11-14 22:48:34   by Soham   on Information Technology  0 answers