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hey,i have an exam next week and i need some help with findin the solution to this problem Suppose that a disk unit has the following parameters: Block size B=2400 bytes, interblock gap size = 600 bytes. An employee file has the following fields ; NRC 10 bytes, firstName 50 bytes, lastName 50 bytes,department15 bytes. The employee file has r = 30000 records, fixed length format,and unspanned blocking. Write the appropriate formulars and calculate the followin values a) the record size R b) the blocking factor bfr c) the number of disk blocks b needed to stor the file d)calculate the wasted space in each disk block because of the unspanned organization and th toal wasted space to store the file. PLEASE PLEASE someBODY HELP

on 2010-10-28 19:33:34   by Lu   on Computer Science & Engineering  0 answers