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i m studnt of 1st semestr.and i m really confusd hw basic electricl and electronics wil be conducted?what are credits points?hw marks is distributed?m realy scared?wil it be conductd group wise or individualy?and wat typ of questns r askd in eng drawng and comp graphics?pls help frnds and seniors

on 2012-11-22 00:28:04   by shilpi   on Electrical Engineering  2 answers


on 2012-11-21 10:30:00  

50 marks for electrical and 50 for electronics


on 2012-11-22 10:30:00  

Nothing to confuse - For Basic Electrical & Electronics Theory Papers will be of 70 marks - 35 marks for Electronics and 35 for Electrical. To know the pattern you should download Previous Year Paper and Suggestion Paper from this website. For Engg Drawing & Computer Graphics You will be asked to make 2 drawings which you have made during Lab classes.