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when will b our reslts announced.....its a tesn 4 me? and what about economics for engineers,,,,plz suggest any book..........

on 2012-08-07 04:34:21   by nishant   on Information Technology  3 answers


on 2012-08-07 09:30:00  

Expected with in Friday.Tomorrow there is high possibility ofresult Declaretion. engineering economics by sullivan, engineering economics by r.panneerselvam & engineering economics by riggs are good books.


on 2012-08-07 09:30:00  

in my degree life result nevr came out except MONDAY or FRIDAY it could b on friday or nxt monday..all the best 4 every1.


on 2012-08-07 09:30:00  

all the best 4 the result guyzzzz.....