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I have got F in Physics(Ph101) and in ES101. what will happen now?

on 2012-02-28 09:15:39   by Rahul   on Information Technology  8 answers


on 2012-02-28 10:30:00  

why don't you people study man ... supply in 1st sem ?


on 2012-02-28 10:30:00  

Its really embarrassing....but i know i cant press d undo button here...i dont know much about d supple_rules.....could u please enlighten me...thanks in advance


on 2012-02-29 10:30:00  

please...i need an answer...


on 2012-02-29 10:30:00  

you have the chance to recover it brother, your re-exam will be taken in your 3rd sem of both subjects. If you pass in that re-exam then its fine otherwise it will be a year lag for you. All the best, think positive.


on 2012-02-29 10:30:00  

thanks a more thing: after giving d re-exam d grade points of this sem will be updated???or will i get a fresh new mark sheet containing only those 2 marks??? n this supple_thing...will it be shown anywhere...will it have a bad effect on my career???coz until now my marks are pretty good... thanks a lot again...


on 2012-03-01 10:30:00  

you will get a new mark sheet .only year will be changed ,for example now exist "FIRST YEAR FIRST SEMESTER EXAMINATION OF 2011-2012" in your mark sheet ,after clear the supple things look like "FIRST YEAR FIRST SEMESTER EXAMINATION OF 2012-2013" ........forget about bad effect ,your career must not be decided considering a supple in a paper. Study hard,and always try to avoid supple in any paper for next time.All the best.


on 2012-03-01 10:30:00  

I do agree with Dipanjan Bera regarding marksheet. And if you clear your supple in 3rd sem, you will be eligible for appearing in any company if your marks are 60% throughout till date. You are from my college, and in our college TCS is the most prominent company, it allows 2 backlogs(supple) till the time of recruitment but no standing backlogs are allowed, so wont repeat supple, study well and improve your knowlwdge. Good luck.


on 2012-03-01 10:30:00  

thank u... :)