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what is deadlock

on 2011-12-14 04:43:25   by tamaghna   on Electrical Engineering  1 answers


on 2011-12-15 10:30:00  

FROM OPERATING SYSTEM PERSPECTIVE :Deadlock is a phenomenon where two or more process are waiting for an indefinite long amount of time for a resource held by each other.ex:- suppose there are two process and 4 tape drives (tape drives are resources).Each of the process are allocated 2 tape drives,but the processes requires 1 more tape drive for the completion of their execution.Hence both the process would wait for an indefinite long amount of time expecting the other process to release up the resources. FROM DATABASE PERSPECTIVE:-deadlock is a phenomenon where two or more transactions are waiting for an indefinite long amount of time to obtain a lock (it can be exclusive or shared mode lock)on the same data item,held by each other...