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I have few questions.... Plz do answer am really tensed.... 1) If we get a supply in 1st semester then clear it in 3rd sem..... Will it hamper my campusing? 2) If we get a supply will my result come out? If it comes out then will I get any points? Plz do reply....


on 2011-12-13 10:30:00  

If you clear your supply of 1st semester in 3rd semester then there will not be huge problem during Campusing as only current year backlogs do hamper during Campusing. If you get supply in a subject then you will have your result like other students with SGPA (Semester Grade Point).


on 2011-12-13 10:30:00  

Thaks a lot!!!. 1 more thing if my result is published with a supply then wn't that give a bad impression during the campusing?


on 2011-12-15 10:30:00  

No absolutely not as you will get a fresh result for clearing your supply exam.


on 2011-12-16 10:30:00  

is supply result & regular result is differ??