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what is the diffrence between compscience and IT branch? which one is better out of two?

on 2011-07-02 16:17:35   by danny   on Computer Science & Engineering  2 answers


on 2011-07-02 09:30:00  

it is software based,and comp Sc hardware basically,75% off it syllabus is covered in cs + other hardware material....u can prefer cs because it give u a option of getting job in both core (minimum) and it (max) field.


on 2011-07-04 09:30:00  

no actually CS is programing base..and IT is application base. Both syllabus is more or less same. Little more hardware part is included in CS. ya cs is core respect to IT. A simple example is that in cs you will lern to develop a software(more emphasize on wriniting codes,program, designing compilers) bt in IT application like photoshop, flash etc is emphasized much..