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Hi guys i installed NetBeans 6.9.1 recently and i tried to run a application but when i run it i get the message like Glassfish server 3 start failed ,build failed and asks me to see the server log for details. so plz help me to sort the problem..give me detailed solution as iam not much accompanied with this IDE.

on 2011-06-26 09:01:57   by Shilpi   on Computer Science & Engineering  1 answers


on 2011-06-26 09:30:00  

it seems that some of glass fish servers files r damaged. do try by reinstalling if prob persists download netbeans with tomcat ,glassfish both this would help or u could download glassfish server but if u do so u will have to associate new glassfish with netbeans u can do so from some tools menu options .. i cant recall it properly. but this will help