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what is pre-counselling? when it is going on? i came to know 2 different dates and venue. 1st if 25 - 27 June Netaji Indor and the 2nd is 26 - 28 June Milan Mela. Which is correct? pls reply.

on 2011-06-25 11:48:09   by alok   on Computer Science & Engineering  3 answers


on 2011-06-25 09:30:00  

bro...its just a commercial promotional meet for colgs../...waste of tym......if u go ull collect some leaflets at the end of d de


on 2011-06-25 09:30:00  

they ll wnt 2 kno ur rnk ...nd predict wedr ull get der colg based on last year cut dnt waste of tym...ull get dat info in d net


on 2011-06-25 09:30:00  

Yah, it is just waste of time and money ..