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with 27312 rank,what good colleges can i expect in kolkata?

on 2011-06-23 13:01:51   by disha   on Computer Science & Engineering  6 answers


on 2011-06-23 09:30:00  

ofcus u got good colleges...just wait 4 2nd counseling....


on 2011-06-23 09:30:00  

But 2nd counselling is always full of risk & for that u have to attend the 1st counselling otherwise U won\'t be eligible for the second counselling..


on 2011-06-24 09:30:00  

ya.. bt as askd u want good college so u need to take te risk andhv to atend 1st counselling..


on 2011-06-24 09:30:00  

Best 4 go to 2nd round couselling


on 2011-06-24 09:30:00  

all colleges r more or less same.....aim for colges ranking 5 to 12


on 2011-06-25 09:30:00  

bt dis year i heard dat dere wil b only one phase of counselling..