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do v hav wbut books of dbms,algorith,operating system,control system and microprocessor?? do v hav wbut books in all d above??

on 2011-06-03 15:41:43   by kushal   on Computer Science & Engineering  1 answers


on 2011-06-04 09:30:00  

No WBUT has never prescribed something like Text Books. Students need to study Books which have almost same syllabus of WBUT. Most Read Books for DBMS - 1) Henry F. Korth and Silberschatz Abraham, “Database System Concepts”, Mc.Graw Hill 2) Elmasri Ramez and Novathe Shamkant, “Fundamentals of Database Systems”, Benjamin Cummings Publishing. Company Algorithm - 1) A.Aho, J.Hopcroft and J.Ullman “The Design and Analysis of algorithms” Control System- 1) Nagrath I J & Gopal M : Control Systems Engineering, New Age International Pub. Microprocessor and Microcontrollers - 1) Microprocessor architecture, programming and applications with 8085/8085A, Wiley eastern Ltd, by Ramesh S. Gaonkar But I assure you that in this semester MYWBUT will provide you much better Study Materials for these important subjects to the Syllabus so that you will not required to go for Quick Reference Books.