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what is operating system.explain

on 2011-03-15 13:50:24   by Aman   on Computer Science & Engineering  2 answers


on 2011-03-16 09:30:00  

operating system is a system software which acts as a bridge b/w user and houses all the application software required for perfoming a job on system.there r many os and each have difft advantage and disadvatages ,we choose from these accorodingly(as per or requirement).eg:-windows xp,7,linux unix etc.


on 2011-03-21 09:30:00  

Operating Sytem of a computer is developed for users to interact with the computer. It\'s somewhat like a human body. A body with bones but without flesh and skin is of no use. The operating system serves the same purpose for a computer. A few popular operating system manufacturers are- 1). Microsoft 2). Apple 3). Linux