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Why doesn\'t anyone reply to all the questions about the even sems this year?? What\'s the purpose of having this site if no one provides answers to students\' queries??


on 2011-03-11 10:30:00  

Its being flashed on that the Examination dates will be discussed on academic council meeting on 16th march 2011..


on 2011-03-11 10:30:00  

@ Ankan Thanks for your information, now we have a reason to wait for a while.


on 2011-03-12 10:30:00  

@sanchayita...u r welcome....bit i am still wondering why they are taking such a long time just to discuss about the dates....ridiculous


on 2011-03-12 10:30:00  

the admin was quite regular in providing answers to our queries in the initial days of the site..but now not many people seems to be bothered.


on 2011-03-21 09:30:00  

Look folks. The owners of the site do not decide about the dates of exams. you are should have the correct knowledge about where to look a thing for.. You must search the official wbut site before asking silly questions..